Wanna know where I am? Yep! You guessed it, BEANSTALK!
Hmmmm. As I sit her drinking yet another Mad Monk, I'm reflecting back on my first year of college. I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT'S OVER. It has flown by at an insane speed. Time flies when you're having fun right? I'm amazed at how different I feel right now then I did at the beginning of the year. I have grown so much in the past year.
- I have witnessed so many different types of people that I never imagined I would encounter.
- I've been around countless illegal substances that I never wanted to be around in the first place.
- My faith has been tested, my morals have been tested, and my image of myself has been tested.
- I have cried, laughed, danced, learned and lived as a freshman.
- I came across mounds of snow that were twice the height of me and have survived the worst blizzard Boone has had in 30 years.

This is such a bittersweet moment. (sigh) Well, since my last post was about what I miss about home while I'm at school, I'm going to write about what I'll miss the most about BOONE while at home for the summer.
My neighbor (and future roomie) Kelly! She has become one of my closest friends up here. She is so easy to talk to and I love that she's right next door so we can hang out whenever we want. She is so down to earth and not afraid to speak her mind and I love that about her! Next year is going to be so much fun in our apartment. I LOVE LOVE LOVE KELLY.

My roomie Caitlin! We were random roommates but it couldn't have worked out better. I can talk to Caitlin about anything and it's so nice to have someone to vent to about my problems and be there for me when I need someone to talk to. The best thing about it is that we have our own groups of friends but we still have fun together. I'm gonna miss her so much next year! (this is making me sad haha TEAR.)
6th Floor of Cannon Residence Hall. I'm going to miss them so much! My freshman year would've been so different had I not met them. I have had many a meal with my 6th floor friends. We have spent so much time hanging out in the lobby playing cards, just talking, doing homework, watching movies. I've had so many ridiculous memories there. Gah, what a randomly amazing group of people.

My CRU Bible study girls. It took us a while to get to know each other but I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Each and every one of them has helped me in my walk with God and helped mold me as a person. We have had so much fun getting to know each other and there is nothing off limits when we talk. They are seriously my best friends up here and it's so important to me to find a group of friends that have the same morals and beliefs. LOVE THEM. They are irreplaceable and I can tell we're going to be life long friends. (I couldn't find a picture of us together, sad)
BEANSTALK. Need I say more?
The fact that when I buy food at school I feel like I'm not spending any money, even though in reality I'm spending a huge chunk of my Dad's money... but its fun. ITS LIKE AN ETERNAL FOOD GIFT CARD!
The Solarium and crossroads. I have become so attached to those two places. I seriously think I spent more time in both of those places then I did in my room. They're so peaceful. LOVE.
My classes, I know that sounds lame, but I've realized that I really like structure. I like to know what I'm doing for the whole day and have a sought out plan. What time I'm gonna wake up, what time I'm gonna eat lunch, what time I'm gonna go to class. I just love it. Ah organization, it's a necessity in my life.
Boone restaurants - Capone's pizza, Black Cat, Our Daily Bread, Boone Bagelry, Mountain House, Los... all of them are so good and they're going to taste even better after a whole summer of not being able to eat them!
The beauty of Boone. Every morning I am blessed with the fact that my campus sits in the middle of mountains. I can look out my window and see them in the morning and walk around campus and see the scenery during the day. We have so many flowers and trees here and the campus is just gorgeous. The other morning I just happened to wake up and be able to catch the sun rising outside my window. The view was phenomenal. I love how I can drive to the Blue Ridge Parkway whenever I want and enjoy God's creation. I really have developed an appreciation for the outdoors.
These are just a few of the things that I am going to miss about BOONE. I never in a million years pictured myself at APP. I am a city girl through and through but, surprisingly, I feel right at home.
Home is where the heart is and when I go home I'll be leaving part of it up here in Boone.
a. I love this post.
b. most importantly I LOVE YOU!
c. I am going to miss you so much
d. I am sad we took so long to get close
e. I better see you a lot this summer
f. did i mention i am going to miss you?
g. we do need a group picture
LAURA! I will miss you so much this summer, you better come to Greensboro and see me. Also, I love your blog, I don't know if I ever told you, but I do. You're wonderful and I'm so glad we got to know each other this year and become such great friends. Love ya girl!
laura! your blog is always so interesting to read! i love that you said "eternal food gift cards" HAH! is it weird that i am going to miss your floor too? :) i am so glad i got to know you this year! you are more and more positive & optimistic every time i see you and you are so much fun to be around! we gotta hang out lots this summer! love ya!
this is a beautiful post! i makes me excited for next year when i'll be a college fresheman...
once again. you brought a tear to me eye. i think its PMS. :) love youuu!
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